Monday, June 29, 2009
Another post for today,
I'm bored, and nothing much happened in school today except there are stalls opened by classes for the upcoming carnival which is on 5th July. Each and every class sell different foods/drinks. Its fun ^^ going to every stall and buying different kinds of food.

Currently, i m reading a manga called 'Blood +'. Its a sad dark fantasy manga filled with blood, monsters, vampires and dark historical pasts with a little romance. The art is ok....not bad, worth reading. Has an interesting plot line. There is a movie based a little on this manga called, ' Blood - The Last Vampire'. Is in cinemas now and i m sure you all have heard of it. =).

I rate this manga 8/10. Try reading this manga, you won't be dissapointed, but to those who dislike blood, is best not to read this manga.
There is even an anime for this manga. Its a 50 episode anime. So you can guess how popular this manga is, an anime + movie.
So, i guess thats all for today =)
2:31 AM>
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sorry for not updating again, honestly, i m too lazy to update.
So, now school holidays have ended, and we are back to our usual school life. Nothing much happen in school except today there is an Education Fair. I was looking around thinking which college should i go, i have already set my mind to do digital animations. And the question is why am i in Science stream since i m taking animations and furthermore, my maths is so bad.
Once or twice, i felt like going art stream but now its too late to change. I eventually did not regret, but at the starting, i did regret a little, but i will be going to arts stream in college. So, for now, i m going to stay where i'am now and take the science subjects just for knowledge.
Its fun just thinking about animations and designing characters, drawing, illustrating an image, thinking how creative you are, wanting to experince 2D and 3D animation by creating a character for a video game or cartoon. (2D animations are created by using bitmap graphics or vector graphics and 3D animations digital models are created by an animator).
So, i guess thats all for today..=)
7:45 AM>
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Today, went to Summit to watch Night at the Musuem 2 with Laura after attending the drawing class at school. =)

It was funny and a movie worth watching. I give rating of 7/10
Can't wait to watch 'Terminator Salvation' on this Saturday to celebrate Parvin's birthday..=)

I also manage to get myself an anime DVD called 'Neo Angelique Abyss Second Age'. Yay, my 3rd anime DVD i m having now ^^. Its a 13 episode anime. This anime is the continuation of the first season, 'Neo Angelique Abyss'. Whereas, Laura bought an anime DVD too called 'Vampire Knight'. I' m sure most of you know about it since its pretty popular.

So i guess that's all for today =)
6:12 AM>
Monday, June 1, 2009
Just another update i felt like talking about,
Today is one of the worst day of my life...

Why, is because of that stupid back door of my house. I wanted to bring the clothes in since its going to rain and the lock suddenly got stuck all of a sudden, the first 15 minutes, the door can be opened but the next time i open it, its stuck! like someone just played black magic on it. The key wouldn't turn to the maximum point, it just stuck in the middle. I was alone at home
I tried my best to turn that key and ended up getting tiny cuts on my thumb. (its painful -_-)
And guess what i did next, since there is only one way to bring the clothes in, there is this other fenced door outside of the back garden. (means behind of my house, there is a garden, there is a small fenced gate where you opened it and you are free!..-_-) That is the only way to bring the clothes in. But an embarrasing way...
So, the next thing I did was, i egress out of the house through the front main gate, and made my way through the lorong since its really going to rain. And there i reached at the back of my house. I opened the lock and went in. You know doing this, people might think i m a robber or something, carrying the clothes back by making one big round to reach my house main gate again. (though is not that long). So i just took some clothes with me and hung the rest at the side of the house to keep it away from the rain. So by holding a few clothes in my arms, i locked the door and made my wat through the lorong again and back to my house. I felt like a fool. (told you its embarrasing...)
I was relieved i save the clothes..--_--, but i cant just leave the lock in its 'stuck' state. If not, there is no way you will hang your clothes anymore and I was very scared with my mom, She knew the lock is stuck because i told her on the phone and she asked me to use that way i just mentioned. But I can figure out she will shout at me for causing the lock to be like that.

Ended up, I cant help feeling scared, I tried my best again to turn the key and it wouldn't. I tried putting oil and it wont work and it caused my thumb to have even more tiny cuts. So ended up, i thought of a way, (I just need to turn the key and is all done). I took my brother's tool set from his room and and took a plier and tried turning the key, fortunately it turned abit and the door opened a little, i was so happy that i forgot i put too much power on the plier and the key's back (the round thing) broke....
Though it broke, i am still happy and open the door and happily grab the clothes which i hung at the side. I don't care about the key cause at least the door is finally opened, I never lock the door back instead, i tied a string around it so that it wont stuck again. I was very happy and relieved and went to continue my drawing...^^
But still, its an embarrasing thing and out of all days, it has to happen today when i m home alone...-_-. I was very pissed off with the door that I kick and punch it..O_O. Thanks to my extreme power and the plier i managed to open the door. (it sounds abit weird....)
So, I guess thats all for today..=)
12:39 AM>